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Glass Buildings

Quilled Ink Press


Quilled Ink Press opened its doors in December 2020, the year of the pandemic, though the desire to do so was bubbling in the background for many years. With plenty of time in lockdown to think of ways to positively impact a changing world, it was a natural choice. Many people had made use of the time spent in isolation to tap into creative expression. Some baked, some sang, some painted, and many began writing that book that we all have whispering within us...



Please kindly note, we are an independent small press with a traditional approach to publishing. We do not charge for publishing your work. We prefer poetry collections (with a minimum of fifty poems), children's books, short story collections, and novels of any genre. We are highly selective and favor work that is impactful, deep, contemplative, and written from the heart and soul.



We are also home to The Quilled Ink Review, a biennial literary journal showcasing poetry and prose. We encourage you to follow our social media to keep abreast of open submission periods and current themes 

Ready to Query?

While aiming to maintain a high standard of quality in the material we publish, we celebrate established talent and also endeavor to help emerging 'creative voices be heard'.



As a matter of policy, Quilled Ink Press does not send rejection letters, thus, if you have not heard from us four months after submission, it is safe to assume that your submission was not a perfect fit this time around. However, we encourage you to keep trying. Many highly acclaimed authors state that they initially received a stack of rejection letters. So, don't be deterred. Keep going!



We look forward to reading your work.


Get in touch with us here:


Glass Buildings
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© Quilled Ink Press. Website created & copywritten by Adiela Akoo 2021-2026

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