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The Uplifting Effect of Literacy


The ability to read is a superpower! It transports us to different worlds, introduces us to different cultures, perspectives and ideologies. It helps us to learn, grow, connect and interact. It is a superpower we all should possess, but sadly far too many don't.

According to the World Literacy Foundation, around 750 million people are illiterate and more than 2 billion people struggle to read and write. Lacking basic reading and writing skills is a tremendous disadvantage that hampers a person’s development in every stage of life.

Literacy not only enriches an individual's life, but also creates opportunities for people to develop skills that help them provide for themselves and their families. Helping someone to read and write effectively, and acquire the numeracy skills many of us take for granted, improves the future of everyone in society. Literacy is critical to economic development as well as individual and community well-being.

Advancing literacy contributes to increased self-esteem, confidence and empowerment of individuals. By developing and improving the literacy skills of our human resources, our economy is enhanced.

The Uplifting Effect of Literacy - Improving literacy skills leads to improved cognitive skills, which leads to an increased potential to earn a living and acquire further skills and/or higher education. This in turn can reduce poverty; improve health and well-being; promote a reduction in crime and violence; improve living standards; promote social development; increase civic, art and cultural engagement; increase awareness, critical thinking and compassion; promote equality; promote democracy; and promote peace and understanding.

Literacy plays an integral role in helping us to connect the dots in our modern world. It helps us to express, learn, grow, connect with and shape the world around us.

If every person that is able to read, finds and teaches someone that is illiterate or struggling with literacy, imagine what a positive impact YOU could make in that person’s life, and the entire world!

My humble request to you, EACH ONE, TEACH ONE, and give someone the precious gift of literacy!

Article authored by Adiela Akoo, Vice-Chair, Literacy Assoc. of South Africa, KZN as at 04/12/2021



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